Friday, August 19, 2011

In which I submit a radical alteration to draft strategy

You know what really grinds my gears? Asterisks. Asterisks imply some sort of hijinks like PEDs. If this is true, why not do what the NFL surely has already done... look the other way and let everyone juice. So, in honor of my "tainted" championship I submit a radical idea. Let's have a snake draft this year.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really doubt that there's going to be much momentum for this. But I've won twice with auction and only once with snake. I wouldn't mind having multiple wins under multiple systems. I'm the Manny Pacquiao of this league.

  3. What the hell... I done all of my prep work for an auction draft. With a toddler I don't have time to setup a snake draft.

  4. Tony, I don't think Bryan is serious. And if he is serious, he is being daft.
